Hello there

I'm Cameron, a master’s student focused on user experience design
and research at the UC Berkeley School of Information.

south hall drawing

Master's Program

coding, design, research, project management

salesforce.com logo

Product Design Internship

design, research

More details coming soon

visual storytelling slide

Visual Storytelling for UX

design, project management

More details coming soon

small multiples chart

Information Visualization

coding, design

More details coming soon

wondercal illustration


design, coding, project management

More details coming soon

gyro app screenshot


design, research

About Me

I'm a master's student at the UC Berkeley School of Information, where I'm focusing on user experience design and research. Before coming to the I School, I worked for the National Park Service managing federal grants with various government, university, and non-profit stakeholders.

I applied my undergraduate degree in geography to complete several freelance cartography projects, which eventually led me to consider how design could improve the business systems I worked with every day at the Park Service.

Studying at the I School has given me the breadth and depth of skills to create simple user interfaces and work with diverse teams to address complex problems.

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